Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crappiest wake up alarm

The interview went off really well, thanks for asking! Now I've gotta play the waiting game. God how I hate waiting (!) but since I've resigned myself to the fact that the next two years are going to be all about "the waiting", I guess waiting to hear back from my prospective future employers isn't so bad. At least I'll be working in a place that promises to be marginally fun. And marginally fun is a HUGE improvement on my current state of affairs!

While on the topic of improvement - What is it with people having no sense of another person's personal space? The other day I was traveling on a train from hicksville to (a place they call) the city. The seat beside me was vacant and whaddya know? A lousy SOB stuck his ass in my face in an effort to block others from getting in and claiming the said vacant seat. Whatever happened to the concept of personal space? Oh and also, getting someone's ass stuck in your face at 8am is not really the best way to start your day! Now you see why I hate everything around me!!!

My weekend's looking good so far... Great meal out at an asian restaurant in the afternoon and I managed to throw together an awesome oyster & lemon grass chicken tonight. Second viewing of Step Up 3D at the cinemas scheduled for tomorrow. I love that flick!

Before I wrap up - a big shout out to my first three readers - from Dar-es-salaam, Memphis and Iowa. Thanks for giving me the impetus to write! :)


  1. That does sound pretty awful! I find the only good way I function at 8am is amped up on coffee. ;) Any earlier and let's say double amped on coffee! hehe

  2. Hahaha.. You must really love coffee given that your most recent post also has a reference to coffee ;)
