Thursday, September 30, 2010

Food talk

While I make up my mind about spilling the beans on the national issue that has me up in arms right now I thought I'd share my grand culinary plans with ya'll.

This is the cake my sister and I baked this evening. To be honest I just made the massive mess on it while she did all the hard work! I also went to the market and bought a whole bunch of stuff to experiment on feed my loved ones over the next three days.

Tomorrow night I intend to spend some time with my sister over a long dinner at the Westin. Thanks to our manic work and school schedules, we haven't been able to hang out in a while now. Mom is planning to make a mean crab curry for lunch on Saturday and Sunday night is going to be a fancy dinner with loads of Hors d'Ĺ“uvres - fried calamari, deviled eggs, cocktail sausages, cheese & corn nuggets, kebabs, hummus and pita with sun-dried tomatoes.

I also managed to find a few fresh herbs while at the market and quickly bought all the basil, oregano, tarragon and rosemary I could lay my hands on. Any suggestions on quick and easy recipes using these, especially the tarragon?

So this weekend does indeed look like it will turn out to be a culinary delight. I'm particularly kicked about trying out some new recipes and hope they turn out as well as the cake did (it tasted better than it looked). Do you have any 'culinary' plans for the weekend? ;)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Post weekend blues

Hello to all my six blog readers! :)

It's Monday again which basically spells the beginning of another mundane week for me. On the agenda this week is writing a few more chapters of my blovel, meeting up with an old friend for dinner, traveling to the big city possibly for another round of interviews and maybe staying over for a friend's son's christening and/ or chaperoning my sister for a concert... not so bad actually. What plans do you guys have? Anything interesting?

I've managed to ignore this space for 5 whole days without suffering from an iota of guilt, a shitty thing to do in the infancy stages of an anonymous blog. I'm sure my blog is suffering from serious inferiority complex by now because not only do I not want to acknowledge its presence in my real life but I've also started giving it second preference over my blovel. As for the blovel it seems to be shaping up well (I think!). I've tried to get a couple reactions from friends without giving them the link to the blovel because, you know, its connected to this blog and I might have written/ plan to write about them in the near future and I sure as hell don't want to complicate matters. They seemed to like it which makes me wonder why no one seems to be leaving any comments on the chapters/ posts. At the cost of being penalized by the blovel police I've left the comments option on for my individual chapters and thanks to Blogger's updated capabilities I can now monitor traffic on my blovel site. What this basically means is that I do have visitors on the site but no one seems to want to share their feedback with me. So not cool! :(

There's this other thing that's really pissing me off these days and it has something to do with my country's current state of affairs. I'm hesitant to write about it because then you will obviously know which country I belong to and that will put my whole anonymous blogger idea in a funk. Decisions, decisions...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wanna be tapping my feet not the keyboard yo!

Few things are more pissing off than having to work when almost everyone you know has the day off. Yeah thats me right now... Pissed off and bitter and bugged! I'm sitting in my little cabin with the dark windows behind me and frosted glass all around, typing away furiously trying to correct the grammar and language on some official text while sneaking glances at some of your blogs and cursing under my breath every 5 seconds.

If I had the day off today right about now I'd probably be driving my car super fast on an empty road while listening to 'Beggin' by Madcon, or dressing up to go out with my sister so we could both be fabulous together hitting the stores for some (window) shopping, or most likely just be lolling in bed with the not-so-interesting book I'm reading right now. The one thing I definitely wouldn't be doing is sitting in a little dungeon hoping to get out :(

On the upside I've now completed two whole chapters of my very first blovel. Yes the same one I still don't have a home for. Maybe I should just create another blog for it but generating traffic would be a huge task. And while having others read this blog isn't my number one priority (I lie ;), I'd definitely want feedback and encouragement for the blovel. When I do put it up somewhere and you do read it you will realize it isn't as crappy as this blog because fact is, in fact, stranger than fiction :D No but seriously I put in a lot of effort in writing the blovel whereas this blog is just a place for me to scribble my thoughts.

Better get back to work. Oh and if you're a fan of Step Up 3D (like me) then watch this video - Beggin - Battle of Gwai

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blovel but no spot...

Yes thats an actual word and unfortunately I didn't invent it. Although I might have thought of the concept way before anyone ever thought of blog novels as the revolutionary platform for budding writers to showcase their talent without struggling to get published. How awesome is that?! To be able to share your stories with people from all over the world... I think it's pretty fab!

A little bit of googling led me to Blovelspot, some guy's brain-child where bloggers/ writers can post their blovels. He's worked out a very nifty format so that the readers' experience is almost like that of reading a book. (Minus the reading in bed.. the only way I like to read). The other cool thing about Blovelspot is the set of rules - Each blovel should wrap up in 40 posts and once you post, you can't go back and change the post/ chapter. I read a few blovels and was really impressed by the stories woven by some of the writers. Inspired, I quickly signed up, hoping to start my very own blovel and share my novel (haha!) story with the world.

It has now been a little over a week and I haven't yet received my registration email yet. Neither can I login to the site, nor can I communicate with the Admin to report the issue :( In fact I've even tried to follow (stalk) blovelspot on twitter and the last update on the handle was on 1st December 2009. Does anyone know whether this site is operative any more? If not then maybe there's an opportunity for someone to create a similar site. Are there any other blovel sites functional currently?

Also, can someone tell me how a blovel writer can safeguard his/her rights against plagiarism?

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Crappiest wake up alarm

The interview went off really well, thanks for asking! Now I've gotta play the waiting game. God how I hate waiting (!) but since I've resigned myself to the fact that the next two years are going to be all about "the waiting", I guess waiting to hear back from my prospective future employers isn't so bad. At least I'll be working in a place that promises to be marginally fun. And marginally fun is a HUGE improvement on my current state of affairs!

While on the topic of improvement - What is it with people having no sense of another person's personal space? The other day I was traveling on a train from hicksville to (a place they call) the city. The seat beside me was vacant and whaddya know? A lousy SOB stuck his ass in my face in an effort to block others from getting in and claiming the said vacant seat. Whatever happened to the concept of personal space? Oh and also, getting someone's ass stuck in your face at 8am is not really the best way to start your day! Now you see why I hate everything around me!!!

My weekend's looking good so far... Great meal out at an asian restaurant in the afternoon and I managed to throw together an awesome oyster & lemon grass chicken tonight. Second viewing of Step Up 3D at the cinemas scheduled for tomorrow. I love that flick!

Before I wrap up - a big shout out to my first three readers - from Dar-es-salaam, Memphis and Iowa. Thanks for giving me the impetus to write! :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Step One

Quick update to let you know that I've got an interview tomorrow. Right now I'm a bundle of nerves because I really really want this. Not only is this for a job with a fantastic company but it is also in the city where all my friends are. Plus I will be working with a close friend (always a good thing!).

Keeping my fingers crossed!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Goals version 2.7

One day I'm in my mid twenties and the next day I wake up and I'm Twenty-Bloody-Seven! As per my "life plan" I was supposed to have my first baby before the age of Twenty Seven and here I am.. jobless, single and living with my folks! Well I'm not technically 'jobless', more like in a new job that I don't particularly like, but if all I have is my right to embellish, then well.. I will embellish a little!

Here's a check-list of all the other stuff I was supposed to have achieved by twenty seven -

Get married at 25. I'm not even dating!
Lose atleast 50 pounds. Lets not even go there...
Learn how to do my own banking and have a respectable bank balance. I still get confused while depositing cheques (my bank or the bank the cheque is drawn on?!)
Be an accomplished cook. Don't think instant noodles, an occasional thai curry made with curry paste and salads/ sandwiches quite cut it.
Live in a huge apartment with my significant other and go on frequent vacations. Was sharing an apartment with my brother before I moved back home and went on vacation with my sister

Don't get me wrong. This isn't one of those emo blogs where the author rants and raves about how much she hates her life. In fact quite the contrary. I've been so busy having a great ride that somewhere down the road I forgot to keep one eye on the finish line (metaphorically speaking!). So now I want to maintain this blog, as an online diary of sorts, to track my progress while working towards achieving the goals set for me by my new and improved Version 2.7. However, unlike the last time around this blog is going to remain anonymous and no details of my location etc. will ever be furnished. No more "you-wrote-this-about-me-on-your-blog-I-hate-you-bitch", thank you!

Without much ado then let's get down to the Goals 2.7

1. Get a new job that I actually enjoy in a city that doesn't bore me to death
2. Re-connect with my friends, a.k.a stop living like a hermit
3. Begin my GMAT classes/ weight loss routine (Only one of the two can happen at a time, mind you!)
4. Apply to business school and move to the city of my dreams, i.e. NYC
5. Find an awesome guy who fits my idea of perfect (No more settling for/ getting involved with married men, smokers, guys who're semi-perfect/ tolerable/ only liked because they give me attention)

Time to get cracking!